Nurturing Hands: practical parenting advice, guidance and support (0-5yrs) 123

Nurturing Hands is a mobile health service providing assistance, advice and support for newborns, infants, children and families, servicing north and eastern Sydney, the northern beaches, the hills district and inner west.

Established by Kathy O’Donnell, a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Karitane Mothercraft Nurse with over 25yrs experience in child and maternal health, Nurturing Hands offers consultancy in the privacy and comfort of your own home, at a time that best suits your family schedule and needs.

Consultations address specific concerns or problems you may be experiencing. With advice and strategies developed together to suit your individual family circumstance, parenting style and beliefs, thus providing a more practical and supportive level of care.


Professional guidance and support may be necessary throughout the many stages of parenting, including:

Initial adjustment to parenthood
Maternal and infant wellbeing
Establishing lactation and infant feeding
Interpreting your newborn or infants cry and needs
Infant reflux & colic
Crying, unsettled infants
Sleep and settling techniques
Solid food introduction
Infant growth, development and stimulation
Establishment of individual routines
Toddler behaviour
Support of multiple births or infants with special needs.

Follow up phone support along with practical guides and information sheets provided.

NURTURINGHANDS  is a fulfilment of Kathy’s passion, to guide & assist parents through any difficulties they may be experiencing with their young children.

Approved by major health funds. Fees on application  – on hourly, half and full day basis.

For more information or to discuss your child’s or family’s personal situation, please phone Kathy on 0409 990 229 or email



Laura Westbrook

Feb 15 2014

My greatest parenting decision thus far has been to contact Kathy. I have the privilege of being the Mummy of an intense, highly stimulated little man who was far too busy for sleeping and eating but under the skillful guidance of Kathy we now have him sleeping through the night without a screaming fight. To this from 10-15 night wakes is a dream! Furthermore, the ongoing support and guidance from Kathy in the weeks following have been a God-send while I continue to navigate my way through the ups and downs of first time motherhood. Can't thank you enough Kathy and couldn't recommend you more highly.

lisa O'Connell

Jun 04 2013

I was supposed to leave 5 stars not three, damn you iphone technology!

Amanda Jamieson

Jun 04 2013

Kathy spent the day with me when my son was only 6 weeks old. He was suffering from colic and I was not coping well with the constant crying and lack of sleep (on both our parts). Kathy helped me with settling, sleeping, and feeding issues, and developed an action plan for me. She checked in on me every couple of days until Harrison's colic resolved (at 11 weeks). This was above and beyond the level of service I was expecting, and it was very comforting to feel supported through this very challenging time as a first time mother.

Lisa O'Connell

Jun 03 2013

Kathy O'Donnell. This woman changed my life... True story! Before I met Kathy I was lucky if my 3month old son would sleep for 40 minutes. I was fraught, he was fraught, our apartment block was fraught all any of us wanted was for Harry to sleep. I was extremely nervous that Kathy would be very "super nanny" and I'd get told off for being an indulgent mother! I didn't need to worry, Kathy is one of those truly lovely child care professionals that instead of forcing their opinions onto you making you feel like the worst parent in the world, made me feel like I was a super mum! She was encouraging, supportive, and extremely lovely. Within 20mins my little ratbag was sound asleep in his cot! Something I had never been able to achieve. She put into place a workable sleep routine that was so simple but extremely effective. Harry from that moment has slept brilliantly both night and day, when we do have a blip I just go back to Kathys basics and we get back on track. I cannot rate Kathy highly enough, if you have any sleep concerns at all she'll work her magic. She'll give any sleep deprived mother her sanity back! Thank you Kathy. Lisax

Sharon Selby

Jun 03 2013

I cannot praise Kathy enough! I was recommended Kathy's services when my son was 3 months old and for the life of me could never, ever get him to sleep in his cot during the day. He'd sleep soundly in the pram, in the car and on me but as soon as Id try and transfer him into the cot he'd wake up bright eyed and in tears! I was exhausted and read every book to help. Nothing did until Kathy came along. We spent a day together and she showed me so many things about my first born that I didnt realize. Soon enough Kathy advised it was time to put Jake to bed, I warned Kathy that it would be impossible, and secretly hoped my son would show Kathy what a tough nut he is to crack. He failed miserably and was sound asleep in his cot after 10 mins!!! The techniques Kathy used were simple but so effective. Two hours later we had to wake him up and after lunch and a play it was time for him to go to bed and it was my turn. I couldnt believe it with Kathy just supervising I managed to put my son to sleep in his cot in less than 10 minutes. Even my husband managed to do it the following day. Suddenly I had a life and time to myself. For the rest of the day Kathy and I discussed all my areas of concern and doubt. Not only did she put my mind at ease but made me feel like I was the best mum around. She filled me with so much confidence. Thanks to Kathy's techniques Jake then started to sleep through the night for 12 hours and has since, a year later been the best sleeper, eater and have to say player. Now Im exhausted running around all day after him. I am still in touch with Kathy who is so kind to always give advise when its needed at no extra charge. I have recommended Kathy to 6 of my friends who have al used her services and whom all love her dearly for the help she has provided. I think every mum needs to meet Kathy!