Mums Fitness Academy Pre and Postnatal Personal Training, Rushcutters Bay

  • Mums & Bubs

Specialised baby friendly and flexible service to help you enjoy being a busy healthy, happy mum.

Mums Fitness Academy help mums

Enjoy a healthy pregnancy

Prepare for the birth of your baby with safe and effective prenatal exercise to help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy, prepare for optimal labour experience, reduce pregnancy complications and weight gain, give baby a healthy start in life and bounce back better after baby.

Get ‘Yourself’ back after baby, only Better

Being a Mum is such a special, wonderful time in your life but also physically and emotionally challenging. Being fit, healthy and strong will help you not only look and feel good about yourself, it will help you to enjoy being a busy Mum with more vitality.

It’s not just about losing the baby weight, we want to help mums:

  • Regain a sense of self in a hectic time devoted to baby
  • Invest a small amount of time in ‘you’ and your wellbeing
  • Feel strong to live and carry your baby ache and pain-free
  • Feel more energised to deal with the long nights and busy days
  • Re-strengthen your core and pelvic floor after baby
  • and of course, look good in your clothes again

Mention ellaslist and Book A FREE Post Baby Assessment Session,  this includes:

  • A review of your post-baby body current fitness
  • Learn 3 important exercises for pelvic floor and core strength
  • Understand how to get back into exercise safely
  • Take home a simple postnatal exercise program

You and your baby will be in safe hands

The fabulous Timo Topp is the founder of Mums Fitness Academy. Timo is tertiary educated with 20 years experience and has undertaken specialised physio-based training to understand safe and correct exercise needs of the pre and postnatal mum. Timo is also a qualified Dad so will easily help with your bub so you can exercise in peace and has on occasion been referred to as the baby whisperer!

Tell them ellaslist sent you!





Jul 14 2015

I cannot recommend Mum's Fitness Academy enough. I started training with Timo earlier this year and am loving the results. Timo is an easy-going, genuinely nice guy and a true professional whose flexible training sessions accommodates for the demands of being a busy mum. My daughter absolutely loves "Timo Time" and I am now in better shape than I was before I had my daughter.


Mar 19 2015

I won a local charity raffle for complimentary training sessions with Mums Fitness Academy. Despite being quite fit already I gave it a shot and was very surprised. I could not recommend the experience more highly and the trainer Timo Topp - Topp by name, Topp by nature. Great local business worth supporting whilst getting terrific results for yourself! Loved it!


Feb 05 2015

When my bub was about 4 months old I was ready to get back my fitness and loose the baby weight. I was looking for someone who understood Mum's and what they needed to get back into shape and I came across Timo and Mum's Fitness Academy! In the past 9 months I have lost most of the baby weight, but most importantly I am fitter than I have ever been and happy with the results that I have achieved with the help of Timo! Timo understands the realities of being a Mum and offers training that is flexible and suited to your level of fitness. He is helpful with the little ones always willing to entertain them so that you can focus on your workout. Overall I cannot recommend Timo Topp and Mum's Fitness Academy highly enough, he really helps you get back to being YOU!


Nov 24 2014

I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 20 weeks pregnant. After 9 months of treatment and a c section I was extremely fatigued and had sore joints, a side effect from the chemotherapy. As well as this I was also struggling with the sleep deprivation that comes along with a baby and had no energy. I had lost my spark. I started to train with Timo once a week, and instantly saw an improvement in my fitness. We started slowly, easing me back into an exercise program, and have built up to more intense workouts as my fitness has improved. I have noticed my energy levels have improved tremendously and my joint pain has disappeared altogether. I can even feel my stomach muscles again! I can take my baby to the sessions which makes it so easy and always leave feeling reenergised, positive and healthier and I'm toning up! I genuinely feel the workouts have made me feel like myself again. Highly recommend.


Nov 23 2014

Timo has trained me in the past when I was young free and single! More recently I am the proud mama of my 4 month old Charlie. In both circumstances I have found Timo to be an excellent trainer, he always knows just the right program for me. He is extremely experienced, professional and knows all the latest research and facts on health and fitness. He is also something of a baby whisperer, so you can feel assured that you little bundle of love will be well behaved and let you get on with your workout! Fitness with Timo is rewarding and fun and it gets results.

Cleo Vaughan

Nov 19 2014

Timo is not just a fantastic trainer....he is genuinely a fantastic guy! Timo is an ideal trainer to choose if you are a new mum looking to regain your strength and fitness. Timo is so passionate and enthusiastic about health and fitness that its contagious, and he has a warm, friendly and funny personality so the workout is always enjoyable. He is a down to earth guy who loves fitness for all the right reasons....there is no pretense or superficiality with him so you never feel self conscious for being rubbish to start with! He has vast experience of working with new mums and his workout programmes are safe and will help you achieve gradual fitness without causing any damage to your weakened post baby body. He is also great with babies and 4 month old loved hanging out with him which made it a much more relaxing experience for me!

Jessica Donnelly

Oct 16 2014

I started with Timo and Mum Fitness about 12 weeks ago and have not looked back! Of course I wanted to lose the baby weight, but I also wanted to improve my fitness and overall well being, all of which I have achieved with Timo's help. I enjoy our training sessions, he knows when to push me and understands when I have been up all night with a teething infant that the last thing I need is someone pushing me, so there is balance. He is more than happy to give the little one a cuddle, a bottle or a good push in the pram while I focus on my workout. Another great thing about the way Timo works is the flexibility, he understands that sometimes you need to change plans and he is always helpful in finding an alternative time for training. Overall I cannot recommend this program highly enough, I have signed on for another session in order to achieve some new goals.


Oct 03 2014

I am more than delighted to write this testimonial for Timo and his Mum's Fitness sessions. I thoroughly enjoy the training. The sessions are personalised to my fitness level and have progressed appropriately to constantly challenge me but not over do it. I feel so much better for it. I have dropped a dress size and am so much more toned plus I have so much more energy! Timo offered me advice on what to do on my own and wrote me exercise programs and put a plan together for me. He is extremely professional and is very personable and genuine. If you want to look and feel better about your post bub body I'd suggest you don't look anywhere else!


Oct 03 2014

Got great results. I toned my post baby tum, improved my fitness leaps and bounds and feel so much better for it. I'd highly recommend the sessions. Timo is very friendly and offers a professional and comprehensive service that is bub friendly. Very impressed he actually fed my baby so I could carry on working out! 10/10


Sep 17 2014

I've been training weekly with Timo for around 9months, I love it! I suggest new mums start early, before your bubs start walking! I feel a lot fitter and healthier from this training, and Timo is very understanding of mums and bubs!


Sep 05 2014

I have been training weekly with Timo for several months . I thoroughly enjoy the sessions and feel stronger and healthier . It took me a while to get motivated to exercise after having children as I was always so tired . Having a trainer that concentrates on mums is exactly what I needed . My four year old has accompanied me on a few sessions and begs me every week to come along . Session times are flexible too which makes me never miss a week . I'm so glad I got started and moving again .


Sep 05 2014

Love the training. Great location. Friendly guy who knows his stuff and is great with kids. Love salvaging some time for myself in a world full of nappies, routine and sleepless nights. So worth it. 10/10


Aug 16 2014

I have got fantastic results in a short period of time. Timo knows his stuff. I've trained with another trainer who were advertised as mums training but I got hurt as they didn't really know how to work with my post baby body. Timo assessed and showed me how to properly retrain my core and flatten my tummy. I feel great. I have more energy. I just feel so much better about my health and myself. Highly recommend.


Jan 24 2014

I started training with TImo because after more than a year after the birth of my son, I was still holding onto some baby weight. It got to a point where I felt really quite unhappy and deflated on a day-to-day basis. It’s no fun only being able to wear the shapeless clothes in the wardrobe so that the rolls and bulges are covered up! Timo’s right when he says that there aren’t any quick fixes, but steadily I’ve managed to tone up and slim down. I can feel muscles where there weren’t any before, and can even hold my stomach in! I’m actually in better shape now than before I had my baby and it feels great to be buying clothes in smaller sizes. Timo is friendly, flexible in arranging session times and great at kicking the ball and opening snacks for my toddler so I can concentrate on my workout. Most importantly, he’s unintimidating and extremely understanding of the daily life of a mum. I would definitely recommend Timo to anyone looking to kickstart their exercise program with real results.


Jan 24 2014

I have been training with Timo for around 2.5 years now and I am a very happy customer. I started when my first baby was 6 months old and now my bubs are 3 and 1 and I can honestly say I look and feel better than before I had kids! Even my tummy is flatter! Timo tailors the sessions to your needs and goals and that has included changes as I went through my second pregnancy and then recovery after. I amazingly recovered from my second pregnancy much faster than my first having trained with Timo throughout and was back into it soon after as well. He is a nice guy and has made the training enjoyable and varied and he has even rocked my second to sleep while I trained! I certainly recommend him to anyone looking to get into shape!


Dec 12 2013

I had the opportunity to meet with Timo and discuss a plan to return to fitness after my Caesar. I found Timo to be extremely understanding, knowledgeable, and friendly. He is easy going and certainly makes training enjoyable. Def recommend Timo!


Nov 04 2013

I won three training sessions which Timo generously donated to my pre school fundraiser. I found Timo very professional, friendly and knowledgeable. He provides a good all round workout and is a great trainer for mums as he is very understanding of your circumstances and doesn't charge you if you cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. He also allows you to train with your baby present. I believe Timo is an effective choice for mums who want to workout with or without their baby and do things the safe and effective way!


Oct 30 2013

While I was only able to train with Timo for approximately 5 weeks, I can highly recommend him to any new mums looking to get their fitness back in a safe and time efficient manner. Perfect setting in rushcutters park and so easy to do with your little one in tow! Timo is great at amusing kids and really helped me create a practical ad sustainable exercise plan. I noticed a difference by week 2! Thanks Timo - hopefully I will see you again when I'm back in Sydney!


Oct 13 2013

I am more than pleased to write this testimonial for Timo. Timo is a rare personal trainer who amongst other things specialises in training pregnant woman, I have been training with Timo since early in my second trimester and I was just looking for the right program and exercises to help maintain my cardio training and muscular toning while not over doing it. Timo creates a very positive atmosphere outdoors and was more than happy for me to bring along my other children and he was great at entertaining them while I focused on my training. Timo possesses a large amount of knowledge and helped me reach all my goals, I would be more than happy to refer family and friends in the future. Thanks for all your help. Alicia

LIz Graham

Oct 04 2013

Timo trained me through my first pregnancy in 2012. I wanted to stay as fit and strong as possible and with Timo's help I did exactly that... we did lots of resistance training and exercises to improve core and hip stability, plus he guided me through what cardio I could do all the way up to my due date. It all helped me enjoy my pregnancy and get through a long natural labour. Timo is really motivating and inspiring, I'd recommend him to anyone!


Oct 04 2013

I've been training throughout my pregnancy with Timo, this is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm just hitting 37 weeks and I feel great. The training has really helped me stay energetic and I believe has stopped any of the circulation issues I had first time round. Timo has tailored the excercise to suit my levels and ability and at no point have I felt that I was over doing it. I'm so pleased that I continued training as I feel that once the baby arrives ill be in a far greater state to cope with the demands of baby number 2 and hopefully i'll get back into the training as soon as possible...need to do whatever I can to keep that energy up once bub arrives and sleep disappears!


Jun 06 2013

I am a mum of 2 daughters who fortunately no longer need feeding or changing (they've moved out home at 24 and 26). So 3 months ago I decided it was me time and started training with Timo. Now I am back to size 10, my skin is great and I can recognise myself in the mirror! (Ok I'm not 25 again but I feel very fit and healthy for my age). Timo is genuinely interested in clients achieving their goals, gives relevant, current info on food, health, exercise and stress management. His program is varied and progressively challenging. So if you are a new mum or about to be mum, do yourself a favour (and your family) and maintain your health and fitness and train with Timo!


May 17 2013

I lost 10 kilos to fit into the Wedding dress that I always wanted and dreamed of. Having avoided marriage for so long, I finally got there at age 42 and looked better than I did at ages 22 and 32. My arms, body and toning were as in shape as my mind and my new found fitness. Timo got me there through a great program, persistence and professionalism. When I finally put the dress on the big day, I punched the air and said ‘thank you Timo’.

Liz - second testimonial - postnatal!

May 17 2013

I am now the proud mother of a 3 month old girl and have been training with Timo since well before the birth. Prenatally, Timo used pregnancy appropriate exercises to help me stay fit and prepare for childbirth. These included boxing, free weights and a specific focus on core and pelvic floor. I trained up until 3 days before delivery at 38 weeks! I had a 5 hour labour and normal delivery without complication which was helped by my fitness throughout the pregnancy. My recovery following labour was rapid and I was able to recommence training, under Timo’s professional guidance and careful recommendations - within 3 weeks! I have found Timo to be extremely knowledgeable in his field, professional and importantly, flexible with training times!’


May 16 2013

If you are looking for a trainer that is highly qualified, practises what he preaches, understands wholistic nutrition, knows how to motivate you when reaching your goal seems insurmountable, is proactive about changes to your program and happens to be a genuine and interesting human being, then look no further than Timo Topp. He is all this and so much more. You'll be transformed from the inside out. Highly recommended. S


May 10 2013

Timo Topp has been a supportive trainer guiding me to achieve my fitness goals. Timo has kept me motivated and challenged through all my training sessions. Training with Timo has benefited me mentally and physically providing a training schedule after assessing my strengths and weaknesses. Timo always provides feedback and encouragement, and is particularly supportive when the going gets tough. Timo continues to encourage and support me even I feel like giving up.


Mar 05 2013

I started training with Timo around 6 months after the birth of my first baby and I have had really fantastic results. I wish i had done it sooner as i was stronger and more toned after the baby than before! Timo makes the sessions fun and will even look after your baby while you train! I kept up the training throughout my second pregnancy, i 'popped out' later and was fit enough to continue to run around after my energetic toddler without trouble right til the end. The training also helped me to have an easy birth for my 2nd and quicker recovery after! I couldn't be more pleased. I am really looking forward to getting back into it now - Thanks so much Timo!


Jan 31 2013

Once my son turned one I realised I couldn't keep blaming the extra weight on 'baby weight' so when I was walking in rushcutters one morning I noticed a PT pushing a baby around in a bugaboo while giving a training session.. I loved the idea so went over and met Timo. I did 10 sessions with Timo before going on a beach holiday and by the end I had a flat stomach, toned arms and backside! Amazing! I felt great, was eating better and had so much more energy.. I know if we have a second baby I'll be getting in touch with Timo a lot sooner than 12 months later! Thanks for all your help Timo Shiv


Dec 15 2012

I trained with Timo in the lead up to my wedding and liked his style so much I went back after having two babies (8 months and 2 yrs old). Timo is supportive, flexible and gets results! I feel stronger and better than I have in two years and in only 8 weeks. I would stay with Timo but have gone back to work full time and will miss him, as will my son who also looked forward to "Timo in the Park". Timo was happy to hold the baby and even give bottles! If I find the time I will definitely go back and would recommend him to any mum.


Oct 30 2012

Love Timo's style! It's great to have a no nonsense trainer that focuses on form and core training not just a cardio boxing session. I feel more vitalized & shaping up really well. I'm loving the motivation!!! Plus he is a whizz settling my 4 month old baby, he has fed her & even cuddled her to sleep to keep me training! Wonderful service! Thanks Timo


Sep 12 2012

In 8 weeks of training with Timo i lost 8cm off my waist - that was in addition ot just feeling a lot healthier overall. I really appreciated his flexibility with fitting in with my schedule and the broad range of training we did. Am part way through my next 8 weeks so lets see what happens next but so far feeling so good!


Aug 15 2012

I have trained with Timo since having both my babies, now 3 and 6. He is a wonderful trainer, very motivating without any attitude. He pushes me to train hard but I still have fun. I've not only improved my fitness but also improved how I feel physically and emotionally. I've recommended Timo to lots of my friends who also enjoy his sessions. Timo is the Topp's!


Aug 15 2012

Never thought I would be saying these words (as I hate exercising!) but I really enjoyed training with Timo, the program was quite varied, he has all sort of gadgets and exercises to keep you going. I feel so much better now, fitter, more energetic. I can wisk my 11 kg baby off the floor like he is feather weight now! Should I evevn mention that I dropped a jeans size? Timo is a pleasure to deal with, always friendly and accomodative. He did a great job looking after my little one while I was exercising. I believe the decision to go with the mums fitness program was one of my better ones, it was a great investment into my health and well being. Thank you, Timo!


Aug 09 2012

I have been training with Timo throughout my pregnancy and feel great for it! I picked Timo following a recommendation from a friend and have not been disappointed. My husband has even joined in and is now coming to sessions with me as well! We both have unpredictable rosters at work, however Timo has been very flexible and accommodating with training times. I am now 37 weeks pregnant and am still training with Timo, I feel fit and as physically prepared as possible for what lies ahead! I am still comfortably boxing and Timo has tailored sessions to suit both myself and my husband. I am still working fulltime, largely due to the fact that I have been able to keep my fitness up with Timo's sessions.


May 31 2012

I have been training with Timo for 2 months now and since starting have noticed a big change in myself both physically and mentally and all for the better! I have always suffered from a sore back especially from picking up my two yr old son, since starting with Timo I have learnt how to strengthen and "switch on" my core muscles which has made a massive difference to my overall strength and the intensity of back pain. Timo's focus is not just on the physical side of getting fit and active but how to mentally push yourself and actually enjoy it. After such a great kick start to getting fit I am determined to continue and Timo has provided me with everything I need to do it!


May 17 2012

Timo came to train a number of us at the Holdsworth Community Centre. We found him to be very accommodating to the differing needs of the group but was still able to challenge us enough to get something out of the session. Timo is very knowledgable and often followed up our sessions with a motivational email which always had some information in it as to how we could get better results.Thank you Timo


May 12 2012

After having my daughter Emmy I soon realised that all of that crap I allowed myself to eat while pregnant had made itself a home on my but, thighs and just about everywhere. There was no way I could shift it all on my own so I went searching for help. A friend of mine recommeneded Timo because not only does he help acheive goals ( realistic goals, he holds the bub while he trains you- PERFECT. With Timo's help and encouragement I lost 17 kilos and feel so much healthier. Timo understands the pressures of being a mum and how time poor and tired I was. He gets nights feeds and all of the stuff a lot of traineres do not understand and that made me feel totally safe. The best result of all is that I can now chase Emmy up the hill without feeling like I am going to fall over and I must admit I am noticing a few heads turning now and then - Thanks Timo.


May 07 2012

"I met Timo at Holdsworth giving a talk specifically on postnatal exercise. He is very understanding, supportive and motivational without being aggressive. He is also excellent at settling my 5 month old whilst I feel the burn! I’ve lost 8 kilos and am fitting into pre-pregnancy jeans better than ever! I have much more energy and can cope with all the late nights with bub and running around with my 3 year old by day. Cheers Timo!!"


May 07 2012

I have trained with Timo for a few years now, he has kept this mother of 4 healthy & focused on what is important in life, keep healthy & your family leads a healthy life also. Sometimes it is hard but always it is worth it. Timo is quiet and determined that you will do well. A great trainer in my opinion.


May 07 2012

i have been training with timo since having my baby last year. I am looking and more importantly feeling great thanks to his help! I am actually stronger and more toned now than pre baby! and it is lovely to get compliments from my friends too! I would definitely recommend him if you are looking to get back into exercise and regain core strength after having a baby. You can take bub along too, and the sessions are a good length so it’s ideal to be able to fit it in, and for small attention spans!


May 06 2012

Timo's sessions are so good for getting your body back on track after a baby. With more than just a weight-loss focus, his exercises are really tailored to tone and recondition those parts of your body that take a hammering in pregnancy. The one-on-one sessions mean you really concentrate and focus on toning up your core, pelvic floor etc, which I have found hard to do in normal, group fitness sessions. Timo also follows up with you to encourage you to practice at home & get the most out of the sessions!

Steph Hack

May 06 2012

I've just completed a 6 week 'get fit' session with Timo and I'm really pleased with the results!! I can fit into old jeans that seemed destined for Vinnies, I have more energy to run around with my daughter, but the greatest achievement is that I have just completed a full lap of centennial park today without stopping! I would not have achieved all of this without Timo's help - thank you.


May 05 2012

I've been training with Timo for 2 years, he is a great trainer! I'm feeling better, have more energy to deal with the kids and my clothes fit so much better too! And whats more, my friends notice!!! Timo is a friendly, down to earth guy who is very passionate about what he does. He is definitely different to all the other trainers. He is knowledgable, experienced and just makes you feel at ease and inspired about life! Thanks Timo, you're a star!!! Sarah