GymbaROO: Activity-Based Classes for Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers (0-5yrs)

  • Mums & Bubs

GymbaROO offers fun movement based programs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers from 6wks to 5yrs old in twenty-six locations throughout metro and regional Sydney.

GymbaROO is not simply a “gym” or a “playgroup”. It is an educational centre aimed at helping parents and carers learn more about the importance of toddler and early childhood development in relation to later school learning.

GymbaROO’s aim is to show parents how to help their child reach their full potential in life.

Over 60,000 parents, babies & children Australia wide enjoy GymbaROO’s widely acclaimed fun movement based programs. The programs are based on years of research into early childhood development & come highly recommended by professionals. At GymbaROO you’ll enjoy hundreds of fun, easy activities & ideas that help your little one lay down crucial foundations & build key brain pathways for later learning.

Join other local parents, babies and children and experience the wonderful socialisation, learning and movement opportunities involved in the internationally acclaimed classes.

Classes are:
- Age appropriate: Start from as young as 6 weeks old.
- Run by professionally qualified instructors.
- Fun! With the use of movement, music & equipment especially designed for the early years.

Sydney Locations:
Blue Mountains
Bondi Beach
Castle Hill
Lane Cove
Pennant Hills
St Ives
Taren Point
The Hills
Wetherill Park

For more information, call 1800 496 227, send an email or visit the website. To find your closest GymbaROO, click HERE.

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Yvette Dubourdieu

Apr 05 2019



Nov 19 2016

Henry has been going to gymbaroo since he was 5 months old. He loves every part of it and he loves the teachers there, Kim and Kaylene. He was having trouble with his muscle tone but the specialist said to keep going to gymbaroo and all the activities they do there will support and strengthen his muscles.


Nov 17 2016

Poppy has been attending Gymbaroo for a year, since 4 months of age and she and I both look forward to each weekly class. The knowledge Christine shares with us on development, growth and learning has been invaluable and has given us the tools for confident parenting and a confident child. Along with Christine's impressive energy levels, the welcoming support from Annabel and the wonderful supply of new toys, games and songs, I cannot recommend Gymbaroo highly enough.

Demi & Baby A

Nov 17 2016

A BIG thankyou to Christine and Anabel for making each week an enjoyable experience. I started a bit unsure about joining BabyRoo; now we have moved into the GymbaRoo class and I can’t see us stopping anytime soon! We love it and little miss gets so much out of it.


Nov 17 2016

My son and daughter go to both Lane Cove and Greenwich GymbaROO. We found Christine very engaging and holds the attention of children in all activities. She also works extremely well to meet those specific objectives during each class. Apart from seeing great improvement in our children's physical development, we also see the valuable building of self confidence - from our children saying "Can't can't...mommy help" to 'I did it!...I did it!' which is something that must be achieved through obstacles. GymbaROO has provided this exact learning platform. I also like the small developmental bits of information prior to the group time that keeps us, the busy parents, informed of what we should look out for. We cannot rate GymbaROO Lane Cove and Greenwich high enough! Thank you Christine.


Nov 17 2016

Gymberoo became the highlight of our week, both bub and mum alike loved the singing and dancing, and it was a great way to get ideas for playtime at home!


Nov 17 2016

Rose and I have thoroughly enjoyed the Greenwich GymbaROO sessions that Christine has run. The gym that is set up is awesome and Rose has gained enormous confidence exploring the different apparatus and above all she has lots of fun. The mat sessions are great and the knowledge and interest that Christine shows will keep us going back for more.


Nov 17 2016

Annabelle loves GymbaROO! From her time in the gym, to dancing to the music and the wonder of treasure bag, she happily skips, jumps, runs and hops to each activity, growing in skill and confidence week by week. I recommend GymbaROO to all my friends with little ones. I don't think there is any other type of children's class or activity that provides such a comprehensive range of developmental opportunities, all wrapped up in a fun, high energy and safe environment. I think the parents and carers enjoy it as much as the kids!


Nov 17 2016

Since enrolling Maddison into BabyROO, her patience for tummy time and co-ordination have really advanced. As she becomes more interactive I can see that she really enjoys her time at the classes, using all of the equipment, and seeing all of her new friends! I would recommend any parent to enroll their baby into BabyROO not only to help the advancement of their children both physically and socially but also to learn educational games to play with them and most of all to have fun while doing it!

Martin C

Nov 17 2016

As a father on Paternity leave, I found Gymbaroo was a great place to take my daughter. Christine and her team take a professional and fun approach to children’s development and I highly recommend the classes! World class!

Sarah W

Nov 17 2016

Our family has benefited from an ongoing involvement with GymbaROO. Christine’s classes are always fun and we take home ideas which inspire and promote learning in our everyday activities, from birth through to pre-school.

Julia W

Nov 17 2016

Both my children have attended GymbaROO and thoroughly enjoyed it. The team at Lane Cove are engaging, making the program both fun and educational for the children & parents.

Monica Kerr

Nov 17 2016

My twins started at Gymbaroo when they had just turned 2. They LOVED it, and I loved that they loved it. Christine is knowledgeable and enthusiastic, gentle but firm and very caring towards the kids. Gymbaroo very quickly became part of the girls' lives. The singing, dancing, games and skills they learnt became part of their daily routine. So much fun! I'm happy to answer any questions if other prospective gymbaroo parents want to pm me.


Nov 17 2016

Initially, I was a little sceptical about Gymbaroo. However, after a couple of weeks I could see how much enjoyment my son was getting out of the activities and I could more importantly see his confidence and physical development grow. Christine's knowledge, skills and manner with the children is fabulous.

Alexis B

Nov 17 2016

I've done Gymbaroo at Lane Cove or Greenwich for the past 3 terms, and it's been wonderful for both my baby and myself! We have done baby exercises and massage, play and of course adventurous time in the gym. He's always had a great time and I definitely feel like we've got a lot out of it! I'd definitely recommend!

Rachel & Rhys

Nov 17 2016

GymbaRoo is an exciting, interactive and social activity where you can bond with your little one whilst make new friends. It's educational, physically challenging and visually stimulating and I would highly recommend it as a must do activity


Nov 17 2016

My 15 month old son and I have been attending Gymbaroo for a year.My little one absolutely loves going each week. Christine and her team are very friendly and welcoming. I highly recommend it as it's great for parents and children.

Emma H

Nov 17 2016

My two children’s natures are like chalk and cheese but they have both loved attending Gymbaroo at Lane Cove. I have loved seeing them both develop their confidence, physical and social skills through the fun activities. They love playing on the equipment, the anticipation of the treasure bag, music and parachute. The “pack away” song has come in very handy at home too! I would recommend Gymbaroo to anyone looking for a great activity to do with their children.


Nov 16 2016

Thank you for our time at gymbaroo, we have truly valued it and I can see the positive impact it has had on madison. I have also loved the invaluable tips and advice it has armed me with to make sure I am doing the best I can with our little cheeky bundle of fun. Not to mention the friends and fun we have had along the way. Thank you


Nov 16 2016

I really love gymbaroo, we are going into our 3rd year and we use the visual books at home and all the songs and developmental activities.This morning in fact I had my hubby doing the "two feet, one feet, touch the ground and roll over" routine with Rémy. Out of all the toddler activities I have done, your classes have been the most valuable to both Rémy and myself. I learn so much from your knowledge and wisdom and just helpful advice especially in the toddler years :) Your energy and enthusiasm and love for the kids is remarkable and really appreciated. So just wanted to say thanks!


Nov 16 2016

We had a great time in class on Tuesday and are looking forward to this coming for the term. There were some great skills I learned that I would never have had I not come.


Nov 16 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for such a fantastic program which has allowed Leonardo to make lots of progresses last year. We have been very pleased and I am always happy to recommend Gymbaroo to other mothers.

Jenny Pryor

Nov 16 2016

My daughter, Annie has attended Glebe Gymbaroo for two years. We have found the program to be a perfect blend of challenge, development and fun for Annie. She really enjoyed the climbing structures which Bernie changed around every few weeks, to ensure constant development. At Gymbaroo she learnt how to climb ladders, swing on the monkey bars, do star jumps on the trampoline and walk a narrow plank 'tight rope' style. For an active little kid who lives in a terrace with a small backyard, Gymbaroo has provided the ultimate playground. I also noticed the development in her language skills. For example, when she started in the 1.5- 2.5 year old class, she could identify her legs, feet etc. Once she progressed to the 2 - 3 year old class though, she started referring to thighs, hips, heels etc. And it's not just the kids who have fun - the grownups do too! Both my husband and I have taken Annie to the classes and we have enjoyed watching her and participating in the classes too.

Sarah Jane

Nov 16 2016

I cannot tell you how much we are loving Babyroo! It is by far our favourite weekly activity. We have recommended it to every family we know!! Thanks for a great first few weeks.

Kate Rutledge

Nov 16 2016

We’ve been going to Gymbaroo in Glebe for nearly 7 years – from when my eldest was a baby right through to my youngest now ready to start school – and it has been brilliant at every stage. In those early baby days, it gave me much-needed contact and support from other mums, and it taught me so many ideas for how to play with my baby. In the toddler years, it taught me how to give him more freedom in the playground, how I could safely let him climb and explore for himself, and it always tired him out nicely for a good lunchtime sleep! In the pre-school years, I’ve seen my little boy start to learn reading skills, enjoy the social side of sharing his news with the group, and proudly master hopping, skipping and monkey bars. At Glebe Gymbaroo, Bernie’s energy and enthusiasm make it all so much fun and she has an amazing connection with the children. Gymbaroo has been a highlight of our week at every stage, for Mum and child alike, and I thoroughly recommend it.


Nov 16 2016

Gymbaroo has been such a massive part of the first two years of our lives. A very big reason why Otis is so ridiculously coordinated, confident and just generally a joy to have as our little/big man. Remember when we first arrived? He had a flat head and wasn't moving anywhere... how far we've come. You are making a real difference in people's lives and in the childhood of a great many adults to come.

Elizabeth McMurray

Nov 16 2016

I will miss Daisy and my sessions with you so much next year. We have learned, laughed, climbed, bounced, clapped, sung and danced our way at Gymbaroo since Daisy was barely able to crawl. I feel so blessed to have had this time with her and to know how much she has benefitted from all the specially targeted activities you provide in such a happy and caring atmosphere. The little ones can’t help but learn and develop great skills as they grow.


Nov 16 2016

I tried Gymbaroo with my third child and I am so sorry I didn't discover it sooner! I initially joined as we had just moved to Sydney and I wanted to find children of a similar age for him to play with. What we got was much much more. Callum loved the gym and the mat work too which surprised me as he is a very physical little boy. The staff were so knowledgeable, friendly and good fun. I would highly recommend it.

Danielle S

Jul 29 2014

Both for the children and the parents. The staff are always warm and friendly and provide helpful advice on your child's development, we especially love music time!

Michelle G

Jul 29 2014

Gymbaroo has been a positive and enjoyable experience for both my children and myself. They have both progressed in the physical abilities and are much more confident in themselves. They have also made some lovely friends and enjoyed the different activities each week. Gymbaroo Condord is fantastic.

Judith B

Jul 29 2014

I didn't know what to expect at first but was very impressed by the structure and objective of the class - everything is done for a specific reason whether it be to aid development, help with motor skills and balance, relaxation! but the ulitmate outcome for both of us is FUN! my daughter loves the gym and it has been a wonderous experience to see her develop from crawling in between rungs of a ladder on the floor for example, to now being able to climb up a ladder and over obstacles. She also enjoys the music component of the class and loves to dance. I in turn love watching her enjoying herself and being the centre of attention at times with her funny little actions! The teachers (Thank you Carolyn & Tracey) are wonderful - not only because of their knowledge and excelletn teaching techniques, but because of the helpful parenting advice they have given me along the way. She is now 20 months old and I'm always amazed and proud of the different things she achieves each week.