Moving West: The All-New Powerhouse Museum

  • Parents Only

By Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

The Powerhouse Museum is getting a new home, moving from Ultimo to the banks of the Parramatta River, despite protests and 10,000 signatures against the change.

The museum will begin construction in 2018 and finish around 2022, and is expected to be renamed. Premier Mike Baird claims it is an exciting initiative for the West that will boost local tourism and create around 3,000 new jobs during construction. But this move has been met with complaints from the likes of actor Cate Blanchett and former premier Bob Carr, amongst others.

The new museum will take over the David Jones car park on the river bank, and is expected to look similar to the image below:

[caption id=“attachment_102130” align=“alignnone” width=“940”]new powerhouse Image Credit: artist’s impression, NSW Goverment[/caption]


What do you think of the change? Comment below:

Check out the amazing Art of Bricks: DC Comics LEGO exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum these holidays.




Apr 22 2016

What a stupid idea. .. no no no.


Apr 21 2016

It will be sad to see it go, but if it means a bigger and better museum that's accessible to more people then yeah, that's wonderful. I just hope the old site doesn't get turned into a lot of expensive apartments but be kept as a public place / space