Big W Disgraced Over ❝Skimpy❞ Children❜s Shorts

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Disgruntled Queensland mother Nikita Friedman has taken to social media to attack Big W’s ‘skimpy’ shorts after failing to find a suitable pair for her one year old daughter.

“Why on earth does my 1-year-old need to have shorts so short that her nappy is hanging out? Little girls are not sex objects. Gender bias is disgusting,” Nikita said, in a post that received over 60,000 likes and many comments from other dissatisfied mothers.

“I couldn’t find a single pair of shorts in the girls section today with an inseam of more than a couple of centimetres,” Friedman continued. “Where is the variety and choice for parents looking to teach their children about sun safety and self respect?”

Better Options In The Boys Department

Many mums have claimed they’ve been shopping in the boys department for shorts of a suitable length and jeans that aren’t skin tight. One mother commented, “This would probably explain why all the plain boys clothing is sold out – the girls need them too.”

Nikitia’s post was accompanied by this photo comparing shorts for boys and girls of the same age:

[caption id=“attachment_98637” align=“aligncenter” width=“700”]big w scandal Source: Nikita Friedman’s Facebook post[/caption]

However, not everyone seemed to agree. Others thought that a child being deemed “sexualised” in any sort of clothing was the issue, with one Facebooker commenting, “I have these exact shorts for my 3 year old who is still in nappies. They don’t show her nappy nor are they sexual in any sense! She is 3 years old!!!! NOTHING about a 3 year old is sexual!”

Big W responded positively to this post, saying “We will certainly discuss yours and other views posted to this thread with the relevant team, those responsible for buying kidswear and where appropriate respond back to you directly.”

The debate this has stirred will no doubt leave Big W with no choice but to expand their options in the girls clothing department.

ellaslist wants to hear from you, what do you think about this Big W scandal? Are these shorts for girls inappropriate?





Feb 12 2016

I couldn't agree more! My issue is more with the girls over 7 range. My daughter is 10 and it has been virtually impossible to buy shorts of a decent length and by this age, boy shorts don't work. I agree it's everyone's choice as to what their child wears, choice being the main point and there just isn't any!