Back to School: 5 Lunchbox Friendly Sandwich Ideas

  • Kids
    Parents Only

By: Melissa Fine, ellaslist

It's that time of year again, back to school, and we know what most of you are probably thinking...lunchboxes! Needing some lunchbox inspo? Here are five easy sandwich filling ideas that you may not have thought of...chances are you already have most of the ingredients on-hand! These healthy and tasty fillings mean there'll be no coming home from school with an untouched sambo either. 


1. Sunflower Seed Butter 

Nut-free policies have taken away the option of the good old peanut butter sambo, but a substitute you may not have thought of is sunflower seed butter. With a nice nutty flavour, this slightly sweet, slightly savoury spread makes a wholesome school-friendly sandwich filling. It'll give your little one some protein to tide them over, and it's also rich in healthy fats and energising B vitamins. You could add a little strawberry jam too. Look for Eskal Freenut Butter in the health aisle at the supermarket, or Ceres Organics Sunflower Butter at health food stores. 

2. Vegemite and Cheese

If your little one is a vegemite fan, why not pair this B vitamin-rich Aussie spread with a few slices of their favourite cheese for something more substantial? An easy way to get more calcium into them too. 

3. Hummus and Cucumber

Hummus makes a fibre-rich, filling spread, and the cucumber adds some crunch factor and gets some veg in. So that the bread doesn't go soggy, spread the hummus on both bread slices, and place the sliced cucumber on top. 

4. Chicken Avocado

A great way to use up leftover roast chicken from last night's dinner, this high protein filling will keep the kids going for hours. Add a squeeze of lemon juice to the avo so it doesn't go brown by the time they're ready to eat their sambo...and don't forget the ice pack!

5. Cream Cheese, Banana and Honey 

A high energy sandwich that's perfect before an afternoon of sport or a ballet class. We also love that it's easy to make, but the kids will thinks it's a bit special. Pro-tip: Add a squeeze of lemon juice onto the banana slices so they don't go brown...and provided you don't go overboard with the honey - this makes a nutritious sandwich filling; the  natural sweetness of the banana means a teaspoon of honey is all you'll need. 

What kind of bread should I be using?

Wholemeal or better yet, light rye bread make more nutritious alternatives to highly refined white bread. Or for kids with more sophisticated palates, try soy and linseed bread or a light sourdough. Wraps work well with these fillings too. 


What's your go-to sandwich filling for the lunchbox? We'd love more ideas, please share the love in the Comments! 



Steve Willis

Jan 25 2018

Love it! Some of these have been well road tested by our fam for generations. Vegemite and anything seems to work well for us with other crunchy things like cucumber, lettuce, rocket or celery. Shame about the single use plastic bottle in main image though. In this day and age that's not a great look, team.