Bribie Island Seaside Museum

  • All Ages
Tucked away on the beautiful Bribie Island is The Bribie Island Seaside Museum, little known but a must visit for those who treasure nostalgic pieces from the early 1900’s to iconic present day items.

Beach history and Australian stories

Matthew Flinders Model Boat

There are permanent displays featuring a snap shot of early coastal life, with fashionable swimwear from years gone by. Check out the visitors’ visas and passports that were once issued to visitors to the ‘Republic of Bribie Island’ and other relics from the early 1900’s.

The Museum displays a small model replica of The Norfolk captained by Matthew Flinders during his 1799 circumnavigation, the first of Australia. Its local significance is highlighted by a narration of Matthew Flinders interaction with the local Indigenous community upon arriving on Bribie Island. The display describes the local indigenous culture with information about early life, their bush skills, and interactions with early white settlers.

