Six Of The Best Apps That Are Sure To Help Parents

  • Preschoolers
    Mums & Bubs

By: Hayley Dean, ellaslist explorer

It’s tough being a parent at times! With all the various appointments, teaching, cleaning and driving that you have to juggle, you also have to keep your kid occupied. Here’s a list of apps for kids and parents that focus on subjects from development to finding your nearest playground!

1. McLeans Nurdle Time – Teeth Cleaning App

If your little one isn’t keen on brushing their teeth, then this app is sure to get their bristles moving. Nurdle is a groovy dob of tooth paste that teaches children not only how to brush their teeth, but also keeps them interested for a full two minutes. This is one the whole family can get involved in and if you do it right, you’re rewarded with a star! Get the app here!

2. ABC for Kids – Watch Your Favourite Shows Wherever You Are

How many times have you been stuck for ideas to keep your little one occupied in that ‘always late’ doctors waiting room, or at a cafe when you just want to actually finish your meal for once or of course, on that long ‘are we there yet?’ car ride.  This free app is bound to buy you those extra few minutes.
Get the app here!

3. The Wonder Weeks – Helps You To Understand Why

Although this app was designed to compliment the book by the same name, this app is easy to follow by itself. Wonder Weeks are based on the theory that babies and toddlers experience periods of fussiness during key times of mental development. This app helps you understand whats going on and why. It’s that little friend in your pocket that reminds you that its not your fault! This app also provides you with tips on supporting your child through the rough patches.
Get the app here!

4. Playground Finder – Find That Closest Slippery Slide Near You

Fantastic app for holiday road trips or when organising a mothers group meet up or perhaps all those times you’ve been caught miles away from home after driving around with your wee one asleep in the back seat. It’s a geographic based app that pin points your location on google maps, then marks out all the playgroups around you. Each location is clickable, providing you with reviews and an overview of facilities (great for finding the closest loo and coffee too!) Get the app here!

5. Sprout Baby – Keep Your Records Up To Date

I have found this app so helpful. In the beginning I religiously used this app to track feeds and sleep times. It was a great way of reminding myself what boob I was up too (last feed was on right hand side so this feed must be on the left). These days I use it more of a record tracker for medical appointments, milestones (first word, first haircut etc.) and memories. One of these days I WILL get around to filling out that baby book, in the meantime, I at least have a way of making sure I never forget those precious moments.
Get the app here!

6. Busy Little Kids – Keep Them Busy!

Busy kids app is a terrific resource to help keep the kids busy and occupied (regardless of the weather!) with fun things to do. Divided into “Sunny Days and “Rainy Days”, it’s a collection of activities designed to encourage little imaginations. There are craft ideas, outdoor activities and play ideas (Imagine, Create, Move). Best of all, its divided into age appropriate collections: Toddlers, Preschoolers and All ages.
Get the app here!

