Miracle Invention To Get Babies To Sleep - The Pramrolla!

  • Mums & Bubs

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

How often do you see mums pushing the stroller back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to get babies to sleep and settle in their prams?….well now theres the Pramrolla! Check out the simple Aussie miracle invention that will stop parents having to rock or walk with the pram, or drive around with sleeping little ones in the car.

Source: Pramrolla Youtube

How Does It Work?

The product is designed to fit any 3 or 4 wheeled pram, and once placed under the wheel, gently rocks and rolls the pram whilst remaining stationary. Imagining a coffee date where you don’t have to have one hand pushing and pulling your pram, but instead 2 hands wrapped around a warm coffee whilst your baby doesn’t make a peep. Heaven!

Pramrolla founder Dean Fanning said: “Our experience was that often it wasn’t possible to walk the pram around the street. It might be the middle of the night; too hot or wet; or our other children were involved with something that didn’t allow us to leave the house. We know we aren’t the only parents with these types of challenges with a baby.” More convenience + more sleep = happy Aussie families!

Get Me One!

If that combination sounds like the missing member of your young family, then you can purchase the Pramrolla through their online store for just $149.95.

More Miracle Inventions

