Meet Riley: The Cutest Girl At Disneyland

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Meet Riley- the adorable little girl who wears incredible costumes every time she visits Disneyland! Riley’s mum makes her the most amazing costumes from gowns to playsuits, and now she’s teaching Riley how to sew. They then sell the costumes to help pay for her annual passes to Disneyland- now that’s dedication! Watch the video of this passionate little girl.

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Source: INSIDER Facebook

Get Me One!

Know a little girl who would love to look like her favourite Disney character? You can buy the costumes on etsy, helping to support Riley’s passion for trips to Disneyland whilst making your own little one’s fairytale come true. Check out some of our favourite costumes worn by Riley, courtesy of her Instagram that now has over 66 thousand followers!

“And if the voice starts to whisper, To follow the farthest star, Moana that voice inside you is who you are” ⛵️? Riley helped me make this top for her Moana costume. For the followers that have been watching Riley grow since she was 2 years old until now, and the followers that started following our family today, this is an AMAZING project for her to embark on. I’m so happy and impressed that my four year old shows such an interest in something that not only makes her happy, but something that makes me happy as well. My mom started sewing costumes for me and my sister when we were very young and I remember the magic I used to feel pretending to be Snow White and Ariel in her handmade costumes. I taught myself to sew two years ago and now that I’m able to give my child this gift brings tears to my eyes. My daughter, at age four, has shown the interest in learning something new so she can be one of the most powerful Disney influences. It just amazes me how life works. Moana is a beautiful movie and I hope everyone takes the time to see it. If anyone has ever questioned what is the true purpose in their life, follow it. I never knew I could even sew, but look at me now. Challenge yourself. Find your calling. Live for what makes you, YOU. Stay positive and love who you are. Trust me… how could you ever regret it? Thank you @hawaiianspringswater for sending us the Moana soundtrack and inspiring us to watch this gorgeous movie. It has motivated me to create this costume, and Riley is over the moon excited about meeting Moana. ?⛵️?? #Moana #sew #handmade #motivate #challenge #positive #trysomethingnew #disney #disneyland #ocean #heart #sew #strong #chief #heart #howfarillgo #iammoana

A photo posted by Riley & Liam in Disneyland (@randomly_riley) on

