Leave the cleaning to experts! ellaslist reviews WHIZZ

  • Parents Only

We called out to our readers to find an ellaslist tester who would report back on a WHIZZ home clean experience. Jo Lord, from Dulwich Hill, got the chance to get the full WHIZZ clean treatment for her home. She tells us all about it.

It was with some serious anticipation that I awaited the arrival of my WHIZZ Cleaner to arrive. You see, I’m a stay at home Mum – the primary carer of 2 messy, busy, loud and gorgeous little boys. All my family are in another country and my other half works long hard hours so I do this mothering business 100% full time.

Desperately trying to keep the household together, I fight a daily losing battle to stay on top of the housework, despite having a hubby who helps.

Can I confess something to you? It’s no great secret. I hate cleaning! With a vengeance!

Which is why I was so excited to get the chance to be a tester for ellaslist and have the full WHIZZ service done on my little old household.

I can tell you, this was going to be a challenge for the WHIZZard who would be assigned this job. They were going to be cleaning in long forgotten and determinedly ignored territory.

Our WHIZZard arrives

Fisher arrived early and asked if he could make a start right away.
Um, Uh….OKAY!!!

After taking a look around the house to assess his task, he obviously decided to start on the hardest job and tackled the kitchen first.

Every nook and cranny

Fisher scrubbed and cleaned everything within sight including the long forgotten sides of the oven, while I excitedly tidied up around him – clearing more surfaces for him to clean.

For nearly 3 hours Fisher (who my 2 year old followed around ‘helping’ and called ‘Fish’) quietly and assuredly went about his business and dusted wiped, cleaned, vacuumed, mopped and more – while I buzzed around putting things away. I’ve never been so happy to help with tidying up before.

Kid-friendly clean

He kindly listened to my chatting toddler, laughing when said 2-year old instructed him where to clean next and said he clearly had a new manager.

By the time he had finished, my bathroom was sparkling, the toilet and laundry (which catch every single piece of dust and leaf from the backyard) looked pristine, windowsills and the skirting boards had been wiped clean and the beds were made.

My house had never looked so sparkling.

Quick! Someone come over for a cup of coffee before the kids destroy the place again!



Our friends at WHIZZ offers ellaslist readers an amazing discount on a home clean. Use the code ELLASLIST25 to receive $25 off your next household clean.





