How to Make a Perfect Picnic for Kids

  • Preschoolers
    Mums & Bubs
    Parents Only

By Megan Gibson, ellaslist explorer

Here are our top tips on how to make the perfect kid’s picnic!

- A picnic carrier, depends on how far you will have to carry it and across what terrain, if you will be parked nearby a plastic shopping bag is fine, but if you are planning to walk to your destination you will need something sturdier. Ideally the bag also needs to be insulated to keep the food crisp and fresh

- Load up at home with condiments like sauce, butter, salt and pepper. Smaller quantities can be stored in temporary containers for ease of packing but are a much cheaper option than having to buy them at your destination.

- Picnics are meant to be fun so make sure to take along a few treats, ripe strawberries, a bag of chips, a squeezy yoghurt or a homemade cake are all likely to be hits with diners.

picnic final

- Make sure you take things the kids and adults will enjoy. Olives, sundried tomatoes and tabouleh might be great for the adults, but simpler foods like ham, cheese and tomato might appeal to younger members of your party.

Pre-cut as much as possible, package up slices of cheese, tomatoes and drained beetroot so you don’t have to drag along a whole block of cheese and a can opener.

Finger food is always a winner, carrots sticks, grapes, rice crackers and hummus will make clean up easier.

Sandwiches are much nicer if they are made fresh. Stop at a bakery on the way and pick up some fluffy rolls and make your fresh when you sit down to eat.

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- Always take a chopping board and a sharp knife – wrap these in a tea towel, handy for clean up as well as for protecting you from possible injury.

- Take a plastic bag for rubbish and another one for carrying home dirty dishes.

- If you have enough notice freeze your water bottles the night before so they act as ice bricks and provide cool drinking water as the day wears on.

- Take plastic plates, Ikea children’s plates are ideal, rather than disposables and also take at least one set of cutlery even if you are packing finger food, just in case.

picnic girls

- If your kids are past the nappy stage, a packet of baby wipes will still come in handy, they are great for hands and faces after the feast and also for wiping down messy tables before you eat.

- Even if you intend to eat at a table, a light picnic blanket or towel can do double duty as a tablecloth if required.

- Pack a ball, a bat, or similar for some good old family fun.



Megan Gibson & family

I am a Sydney-sider born and bred, but spent 12 years living in Wagga, Canberra and London. I am married to an Englishman and we have three children, Eli age 5, Allegra nearly 3 and Cooper who is just 5 months.
I am a stay at home Mum and keep myself sane by getting out and about and exploring all that Sydney has to offer. The kids and I enjoy parks, museums, picnics, playgroup, gardening, walking, cycling and road-tripping. I am the typical “crafty” mum and love getting my hands dirty, taking photos, and running (sort of). You can read my blog here.


