Horrifying Moment That Pram Rolls Onto Train Tracks

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

NSW Public Transport has shared footage of a horrifying incident at a Sydney train station to their Facebook page, serving as a reminder to always be cautious when riding public transport, and trains in particular, with young children and prams.

Source: NSW Public Transport

It Can Happen So Quickly

The incident, which occurred in late 2015, could have ended up with (but thankfully, didn't) the little boy being carried onto the next train station, in a different suburb to his mother. You can see the mother frantically trying to get the door open, which she manages to do, but in doing so let go of her pram, which can be seen rolling onto the tracks and in the direct path of oncoming trains. Luckily, there were helpful strangers nearby to quickly help the mother pull the pram back onto the platform to safety.

NSW Public Transport captioned the image: "A moment like this is unimaginable to any parent. With more than 50+ safety incidents involving prams around the network, make sure you keep a firm hold of your pram & ensure pram brakes are always applied." They also provide a link to their top tips for safe travel with prams and young children, which is available here. It includes:

  • Allow plenty of travel time so you don’t need to rush. Always stay alert and do not be distracted by your mobile phone.
  • Park the pram parallel to the edge of the platform or footpath. Make sure the pram is a safe distance away and never pointing towards the tracks or road. When at ferry wharves, park the pram a safe distance away from the water’s edge. Always apply the brakes.
  • The safest way to get off a train, bus or light rail with a pram is backwards.When getting on and off the ferry, fold down the pram and carry or assist your child across the gang way. Slow down and be aware of gaps and the gutters.


