For Parents Thinking Of Getting A Dog This Christmas

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Feeling the pressure to get a puppy for your kids this Christmas? Whilst this could be an exciting thought and potentially even great idea for your family, it’s not a decision that should be made lightly. Once the festive season is over, thousands of dogs find themselves in over-burdened shelters once families realise they truly weren’t ready to add a new member to the clan.

Here are 8 handy tips from Pets4Life to consider before rushing in to pick out that puppy:

Tip 1: Everyone in the family must be on the same page about getting a puppy.
The first step is to have a family meeting to discuss everyone’s views and concerns about getting a dog.

Tip 2: Ask yourself – do you have the time and money for a dog?
Looking after a dog takes a lot of time and money – $25,000 for the average dog’s lifespan. Puppies take up a lot more time than you think! If you work full-time, consider a mix of strategies to keep your pet happy.

Tip 3: Do your homework on dog breeds.
Choose a breed that suits your family’s lifestyle and energy level, research the original purpose of the breed and research inherited disorders.

Tip 4: Buyer beware! Be careful with online pet shopping.
It’s so easy to click on ‘Buy Now’ and your new puppy arrives by courier soon after. All sounds good, but is it? You could be buying your puppy from an unethical breeder.

Tip 5: Know how to keep your dog happy and healthy.
Keeping your dog happy and healthy requires daily exercise and mental stimulation, and regular veterinary check-ups.

Tip 6: Learn the basics about dog behaviour and start dog training early.
The dog is not being naughty when he digs up your rose garden. There’s a reason for every dog behaviour. Find a positive reinforcement training puppy school and start training straight away.

Tip 7: Have a Plan B to look after your dog when you no longer can.
Unexpected things happen to us throughout life, such as moving house, divorce, illness and death. Have a plan in place to look after your pet when you are gone.

Tip 8: Do a trial run.
Volunteer at a dog shelter/pound or walk your neighbour/friend’s dog for a while to see if pet parenting is for you.

Get Your Free eGuide

Thanks to Pets4Life for the awesome advice. They are an independent online resource centre for cat and dog pet parents and those who are thinking of adding a cat or dog to the family. The overall goal is to reduce cat and dog surrender and improve pet well-being. Make sure you get your free eGuide if you’re currently considering taking the puppy plunge this Christmas.


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