ellaslist Experiences The Magic Of Music At Bluebell Music

By: Yvette Dubourdieu, ellaslist Founder

I have to admit it’s rare now that I get out in ‘the field’ reviewing toddler classes and activities, but when I do it reminds me how important the role of these classes are in the community – there’s something extra magical about music classes for kids, and the connections and special moments they create between the kids, parents and teacher. They are a joy to watch.

A Class For The Whole Family To Enjoy

Bluebell Music Classes are run by the very talented Julie Sekers and my 3yo and I visited one of her weekly classes held at Church in the Market Place at Bondi Junction. I arrived and sat outside in the waiting area while the current class wrapped up. A mum and a grandparent were also waiting and in mid-discussion about how they feel that this class is rather lovely and educational.

When it was time for our class we moved on in, parked our strollers at the back and headed over to the big mat. There were 10 mums, a grandparent and two dads - I’m thrilled to see a couple of dads there too – which was a more unusual occurrence only a few years ago.

bluebell music

Feels Like Home

Julie is there surrounded by instruments busily welcoming everyone – the first thing I notice is how well Julie knows the parents and the kids. Class hopping is becoming more and more common these days which has it’s drawbacks as new kids can take a few weeks to settle into a new experience, and it impacts on progressive learning – but not here- it’s clear that everyone here has been coming for years, and it feels like a little family.

A Touch Of Musical Theatre

The welcome song begins (which involves rolling a ball to all the kids and singing their name – and boy, does Julie have a really wonderful voice – it’s Musical theatre right there and the kids hush themselves to hear her.  My toddler, being the newbie – has buried her head in my lap – so I roll the ball – but I know she’s peeking.

Shake It Baby

Next up – the kids are invited to grab Maracas and we sing a song with highs, and lows, loud and soft. I love to see all the little personalities - some kids are right in the thick of it – shaking about in the gorgeous way toddlers do. Others prefer the comfort of laps – some have a wander around the room and come back to base. There’s no requirement here to sit still and participate in everything – it’s relaxed, and the kids respond well to that –  Julie tempts the wanderers back into the mix offering instruments. All throughout the class, I notice the parents faces and the joy this class is bringing as they watch their kids shake, clap, wiggle, dance and sing. My 3yo is now rolling around behind me – but keeping a little beady eye on the action.

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All Aboard!

Julie pulls out a wooden instrument. She blows it and it’s the perfect train whistle – there are train tracks marked out on the floor – and the kids are up on their feet snaking around like a choo-choo with Julie leading the way. There’s a gorgeous mountain song where the kids line up on little dots, and on their name being called run back to mum or dad for a big hug. It’s a gorgeous moment and lovely connection for parents and kids.

Infectious Fun

My 3yo is now crawling and sliding around on the train lines, considering if they’re peelable and if she can get away with picking them off. A few others enjoy the train track too – but drum time wins them back we fire up for a rendition of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ (oh the memories!)

Floaty scarves are pulled out a bag and my 3yo is finally IN! She joins in with the rest of the session dancing around to ‘Twist and Shout’ and making sure everyone checks out her groovy 360 spin moves.

Bluebell Has The ellaslist Seal Of Approval

Overall – this is a great class – a lovely enthusiastic teacher with a great voice. A friendly atmosphere, very welcoming to newcomers, relaxed and fun for the kids with plenty of hands-on play and movement, hugs, laughter and proud parent moments. Highly recommended.

Julie’s Bluebell Music Classes run weekly at Bondi Junction, Rose Bay and Miranda.



