Easy Mother❜s Day Breakfasts in Bed the Kids Can Make - Drop the Hint to Your Partner With This Handy Guide!

Ah the old kid-made breakfast in bed trick for mum on Mother's Day. It's a classic - and some might say overdone - but honestly, a breakfast you don't have to make and you can enjoy from your warm bed?


Unless your children are Junior Masterchefs in the making, getting them to knock up a brekkie could be fraught with danger and poorly-cooked eggs. Well, worry no more, we've got fantastic recipes that are pretty hard to ruin for you to run up on a tray this Mother's Day. 

If all else fails, there's always toast!

DIY Chocolate Croissants

Grab some great croissants from the bakery, slit them down the length, and pop in some squares of thin, good-quality chocolate. Heat gently in the oven until the croissants are warm and the chocolate is melted and gooey. 

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

Make these the day before to avoid any early-morning stress, and just heat and go on the day!

This recipe is super-simple and makes delicious, soft muffins with everyone's favourite crispy top.

Avocado on Toast

What could be easier?

Good quality sourdough? CHECK!

Fresh avocado? CHECK!

We love a squeeze of lemon, and a sprinkle of chilli and flaky sea salt, but you could add slow-roast tomatoes, a handful of peppery rocket, a chopped boiled egg, thinly cut radish with lime juice, or whatever takes your fancy. 

Baked Eggs with Toast Fingers

The grown up version of boiled eggs and soldiers, this French favourite is a cinch.

Pop a tablespoon or so of cream into the bottom of two 1/2 cup ramekins, and break an egg into each. Top with a dash more cream and some salt and pepper, and bake (at 200C) until the whites are set but the egg yolk is still runny, about 8-10 mins.

You could add sauteed mushrooms, a couple of spinach leaves, or thinly-sliced leek to the bottom of the pots before adding the egg. Serve with good toast cut into fingers for dipping, and dripping with butter.

Baked Porridge

A winter favourite made much easier than standing at the stove and stirring for 20 minutes!

The night before you need it, mix 1 cup oats, 1.5 cups milk, one mashed banana, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a pinch of salt, and 1/4 cup brown sugar. 

Place in an oven-proof dish and pop into the fridge overnight. 

The next morning, bake about 10-15 minutes until the oats are heated through and creamy, and the top has formed a lovely golden crust.

Serve with yogurt, or cream and fresh berries.

Toasted Banana Bread with Honey Butter

Grab your favourite banana bread (I use this recipe, or shop-bought is fine) and cut into thick slices.

Toast under the grill on each side until golden brown and crispy on the edges. 

Mix 1/2 cup of butter with a few tablespoons of honey until combined and serve dolloped on top.

Toasted Brioche with Ricotta

Slice up the best quality brioche you can afford into big slabs and pop under the grill until toasted.

Serve smeared with thick ricotta combined with a little icing sugar and fresh fruit on the side.

Easy Chia Pudding

The kids will love watching the tiny little chia seeds swell up to create a delicious breakfast worthy of dessert.

Try a fruit pudding here

Try a chocolate pudding here

Try a coconut pudding here

Easy Eggs Benedict

And we mean EASY. Toast English Muffins. Add your ham/bacon/spinach. Fry or poach an egg and pop on top.

Then, for the glossy, thick, creamy hollandaise on top - this recipe will take you two minutes and can totally be made by kids. No double boilers needed!

Simple Fluffy Pancakes

A bowlful of batter is all you need to make these fluffy discs of deliciousness, which you serve with your favourite toppings. Choc chips, maple syrup, honey and ice cream, fresh fruit, fruit coulis, caramel sauce... the options are endless!

For your batter, just mix 1 cup of self-raising flour with one egg and 3/4 cup of milk. Add a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Leave until the mix is bubbling, then fry 1/4 cup scoops in butter until golden on each side. The best!

French Toast

Heat up a large knob of butter over medium heat in a large frying pan whlie the kids mix two eggs, half a cup of milk, and a splash of vanilla.

Soak thick slices of good bread in the egg and milk mixture a few minutes each side and fry in the butter until golden.

A punnet of fresh berries and a sprinkle of icing sugar is a perfect accompaniment to this simple dish.

Mini Frittatas

Not in the mood to supervise kids flipping eggs? Mini frittatas to the rescue!

In a large bowl, whisk 4 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 1 cup grated cheese, salt and pepper. Add your mix-ins: chopped veggies, your favourite egg accompaniments, different cheeses, and pour into a greased 12-hole muffin tin.

Bake in a 180C oven until puffed and golden and cooked through, about 10 minutes. Serve in a roll with rocket and relish, with toast alongside, or with some sliced tomato and cucumber.

Easy Omelets

Omelets are great because they can go either way - with a savoury side, or whisked up with a bit of sugar for a sweet version.

You can't go past this recipe for a perfect savoury omelet, and this one for sweet.

Smoked Salmon Bagel

How great are breakfasts you just assemble, rather than cook?

These bagels always seem fancy but are such a sinch to make. Toasted bagel, thick smear of cream cheese, soft folds of smoked salmon. Serve with a sprinkle of capers and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Other Simple Breakfast Ideas

Why not make up individual pots of bircher muesli the night before? Or pop some eggs and tomatoes on puff pastry and bake until the eggs are golden? We also love crumpets dripping with butter or golden syrup, fresh fruit compote, egg in a hole, croissants stuffed with jarlsberg, or even just good thick-cut sourdough and a quality jam. All served alongside a chilled orange juice and good strong tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

