Don❜t Fear Sharks Or Stingers, URBNSURF Is A Man-Made Wave Pool For Your Surfing Pleasure

  • Family

By: Alex Harmon, ellaslist

Love surfing but have an irrational fear of sharks? Want to get into surfing but live too far from the beach? You're going to love URBNSURF, Australia's first surf park, creating up to 1000 perfect waves an hour so you can froth all day long. The wave parks are coming soon to Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

It doesn't matter if you're goofy or natural, the park creates perfect lefts and rights, from mellow knee-high rollers to 2.0m powerful, barrelling slabs. With waves pumping out up to every four seconds, you’ll be able to ride for between 16-18 seconds – which if you've ever surfed at Bondi, is way longer than your regular beach break. 

Surf's Up

URBNSURF Melbourne, located at Melbourne Airport, will be breaking ground in the first quarter of 2018, with Australia’s first surf park opening to the public by Easter 2019. Construction of URBNSURF Sydney at Sydney Olympic Park is expected to follow later in 2018. URBNSURF Perth has commenced and is anticipated to conclude in late-2018.

Beach Party

These parks will also blast out LED lightning so you can surf night and day, as well as food and drink outlets, skate ramps, playgrounds, surf training facilities and beach cabanas. It also uses eco-friendly sustainable design, water catchment systems, and recycled, high density polyethylene plastic (HDPE) as the liner for the lagoon (as opposed to a concrete shell.)

Bring the whole family to learn the ropes in a safe surfing environment perfect for people of all ages, most fitness and skill levels. Most of all, particularly for Melbournites and residents of Western Sydney, it gives the gift of surfing to those who do not have easy access to waves. With URBNSURF, ‘surfing is now for everyone’.

Sign up to get updates about URBNSURF's development here.


