Delicious Invention - The Cheese Gun

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

The food gun to end all food guns. The Fondoodler- we need you. Check out this awesome cheese gun, that lets kids play with their food in a way that you’ll be pleased with.

[fbvideo link=“” width=“500” height=“400” onlyvideo="1”]

Source: Fatherly Facebook

Trust Us, You Need One

The Fondoodler encourages people to play with their food- you can “build with it, write with it and cook with it”. It’s website claims to have you squirting cheese within 3 minutes of opening the packaging, with minimal mess left over.

Lots of people have been questioning whether or not this kooky product is real- and they have answered that question, Yes, yes it is. Owned by Buzzfeed, the Fondoodler has even shared some recipe videos for those who just need the Fondoodler, but don’t know what to do with it: try the cheesy torilla bowl or doodling with cheese sticks.

[caption id=“attachment_115562” align=“alignnone” width=“750”]fondoodler cheese tower Source: Fondoodler[/caption]

Get One

Unfortunately, at this time, Fondoodler only ships within the United States, and retails for around $35AUD. We know, this is a bit of a let-down. May we suggest hassling them to extend their shipping limits by emailing them at

[caption id=“attachment_115563” align=“aligncenter” width=“627”]fondoodler 2 Source: Fondoodler[/caption]

Check out some more crazy kitchen gadgets you never knew existed but will top your Christmas list in 2016.

