6 Of The Best Things On Offer At The Essential Baby & Toddler Show 2017

  • Pregnancy
    Mums & Bubs

By: Alex Harmon, ellaslist

Each year the Essential Baby & Toddler Show gets bigger and better. Not only is it an informative event for parents with free advice from experts, it's a fun and interactive day out for kids too. Here are our top picks for this September's big weekend of baby and toddler action. 

1. Meet a veteran parenting expert

The special thing about parenting is that you're not alone - someone has always been through what you're experiencing before. Well, this guy has been through it all and written the book on it too. Dr. Howard Chilton has been a neonatal paediatrician for more than 35 years and was the Director of Newborn Care at the Royal Hospital for Women before writing the books, Baby on Board and Your Cherished Baby. He will be hosting a seminar on a range of hot parenting topics such as how to settle your baby off to sleep, how to wire your baby's brain for a lifetime of happiness, the delicate issue of colic and whether you can "spoil" your baby... just to name a few. 

2. Complimentary gift bags

Who doesn't love a freebie! As soon as you walk through the doors you'll be presented with a gift bag with some exciting presents from Bio-Oil, Blackmores and more. Sooooo much better than the Easter Show, right mums?!

3. Meet Hi-5 and Poppy & Branch

These are the rock gods and movie stars of your children's worlds. Here's the chance to meet and greet Hi-5 after they perform a free concert for your kids. There'll also be live performances by Poppy & Branch from the DreamWorks movie Trolls. Rest your feet while you watch the shows, then get a selfie and rock your child's world.

4.  The Fisher-Price Play Lab

Is your child's dream job a toy tester? At the Fisher-Price Play Lab your little one can “test trial” all the hottest toys on offer. Put the toys to the test from ranges such as Bright Beats, Laugh & Learn, Mega Bloks, and Thomas & Friends. Parents, your input is welcome too... after all, we bet you have some valuable opinions on toys these days! 

5. First Aid Courses by CPR Kids

Would you know how to recognise and respond to your sick or injured child, with confidence? We hope that you never have to experience this but as you know, babies and children are inquisitive, adventurous and can become unwell quickly. From cuts and scrapes to breathing problems it’s vital that you have the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency. The Essential Baby & Toddler Show are offering a limited number of 90 minute First Aid sessions by CPR Kids at the show. Find out more here and register so you don't miss out. 

6. The Advice Hub

As a new mum you probably have more questions than a preschooler going through the "why" phase. Well, you can ask almost anything at the Advice Hub - from sleeping queries to safety concerns - and get free, confidential, one-on-one support by qualified professionals. Much better than those late night google searches that have you going down a rabbit hole of paranoia. Don't forget to bring a note pad and pen!


The Details

Where:     ICC Sydney, 14 Darling Drive, Darling Harbour
When:      Friday 22 - Sunday 24 September, 2017; 9.30am-4pm
Price:       Adults $20, Under 16yrs FREE (Tickets are FREE if you Register online before 5pm AEST 21st September)


