5-Year Old Queensland Kindy Student Packs Smirnoff In School Lunch

  • Parents Only

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

It’s a moment we bet no teacher ever expected in their Kindy classroom: a 5-year old bringing Vodka for recess!
This Queensland teacher must have got the shock of their life upon finding a Smirnoff Raspberry Sorbet frozen pouch packed into a child’s lunchbox, which lead to one hell of a funny phone call to the little girl’s mother.

Her Mother Told Her To!

In a viral Facebook post, the mother of the 5-year old wrote: “EPIC lunchbox fail when you tell your five-year-old Preppie to put a frozen juice pouch in her lunchbox and you forget the other pouches in your freezer!”
An innocent enough mistake with a pretty hilarious outcome. “Made for a veeeery interesting phone call from the teacher!”

[caption id=“attachment_121044” align=“aligncenter” width=“537”]facebook post Facebook[/caption]

It’s Not So Serious

Luckily, the situation was met with humour from the little girl’s school, and the wider Facebook community. The mother wrote on social media: “They were very good about it lol. I made light of it (it was obviously innocent on my daughter’s behalf). I apologised for not sending enough for the teachers and they just laughed thankfully.” Some comments under the extremely popular post were:

  • “I have some in my freezer better stash them so it doesn’t happen to me!”

  • “My daughter’s teacher prob would’ve drunk it!”

  • “She can pack my lunch!”

We are happy to hear that lunchbox-gate was solved with a good sense of humour, unlike much of the lunchbox-shaming that is happening in classrooms these days. Recently, a piece of homemade chocolate cake lead to one mother being served this condescending note by a teacher:

[caption id=“attachment_121046” align=“alignnone” width=“1024”]choc cake The Advertiser/ Jessica Gianoni[/caption]

Mother Jessica Gianoni was sent the note by Lonsdale Heights school, her daughter first telling her “You’re in trouble, mum” before being handed the note. Gianoni told The Advertiser: “As a parent, I should be able to choose what my child should have. She had a container of fruit including a banana, a sandwich and rice crackers. It wasn’t like the cake was the only thing she had to eat.”

We are all for healthy, nutritious eating, but geesh! We hear you, Jessica.

Have you ever been lunchbox-shamed? We want to know! Comment below.

