12 Weeks to Make My Body Mine Again! Week Two - The Best Laid Plans

  • Parents Only

By: Heather Gow, ellaslist explorer

Heather Gow bravely embarks on a very public journey tracking her ups and downs on her personalised running and nutrition program with Benefit Sports Nutrition and Run with Us Online. Read Heather’s Intro Article and her Week One Update here.

Champagne glassContingency Planning Put To The Test

Contingency planning: the art of preparing for unexpected disruptions. A key skill of motherhood and one which, given the number of children I have, I would have expected by now to have achieved some kind of mastery over. Sadly, my second week in Run With Us Online’s fitness and nutrition program has taught me this: my contingency planning game needs work. Contingencies this week included; having to construct an obscure Book Week costume and realising too late that the dress up box did not, in fact, hold the requisite items, receiving a short-notice but insistent invitation to attend a black-tie function, and, in a somewhat related event, a hangover reminiscent of my twenties.

Whilst my contingency planning skills extended to creative compromise on the Book Week costume, and a variety of hastily made but entirely appropriate arrangements to allow us to escape baby gaol to spend a rare evening in formal attire, and even managing to cope with the special hell of parenting whilst hungover, they didn’t quite stretch to allowing maintenance of a six-workout week along with a prescriptive eating plan.

The Beauty Of A Flexible ProgramLady running at sunset

Having said that, I did manage five out of the six planned sessions, and if they were not spaced out as they should have been, I for one am going to briefly suspend my lifetime habit of self-recrimination to not beat myself up about that. The reality of life as it exists for us currently is that it is far easier for me to go for a run on the weekends when my ever-loving partner is at home, so it doesn’t really make sense to have Saturday as a rest day. The beauty of the Run with Us Online program is its flexibility – it really can fit around a crazy family life – as long as you are able to be flexible about where and when you exercise. Partner not home until late? Run at night, the streets are lit. Partner away overnight? Switch your days around and do a pilates DVD in the comfort of your home. Got an unexpected hangover? Let’s call that your rest day, shall we?

The Jury’s Still Out On This Week’s Eating Plan

In terms of eating this week, with the support of sports nutritionist Charlene Cassie I trialled a more prescriptive eating plan which involved an online daily eating plan with substitute food items available at the click of a button. I must admit, having enjoyed the menus and recipes last week, this week I felt more like I was “on a diet”, rather than making long-term lifestyle changes to my horrible eating habits.Chicken, brown rice & green beansThere’s something about serving yourself up a third of a baked chicken breast with some brown rice and steamed beans that suggests deprivation, particularly when last week the menu included things like satay chicken and salmon with Asian greens. However, the meals were simple to prepare and I’ll give the prescriptive plan another week before I review progress with Charlene.

Bring On Week Three!

I’m aiming for more consistency this week, hopefully aided by the fact that I won’t at any point be drinking my body weight in champagne. Stay tuned for further updates!







Heather is participating in a 12 week running and nutrition program crafted by BeneFIT Sports Nutrition and Run With Us Online and customised to help her achieve her fitness and wellbeing goals.

If Heather’s great progress has inspired you to reassess your wellness plan, take advantage of BeneFIT Sports Nutrition’s wellMUM plan. This program has been specially designed for the busy mum in mind. Based on Charlene’s own personal experience as a mum to very active 21 month old twin boys, this program will help get your health and wellbeing back on track.  It’s time to make your body yours again!

Tailored to suit your individual needs, body composition and goals, this program is based on a flexible day-to-day meal plan and enables you to pick what you want to eat within a daily point allowance as opposed to a detailed meal plan. You receive a recipe booklet and pick your meals within your specific point allowance for each day.

WARNING!  This is not a diet. It’s a lifestyle plan!   

For a special discounted price of $75 you will receive:

> Body composition analysis and report

> Macronutrient guidelines detailing the quantity of carbs, protein and fat you should be consuming to lose weight

> Point based nutrition plan for flexibility and choice

> Free recipe e-book with recipes for the whole family, including adjustments for the little people in your life to avoid cooking multiple meals every day

Start your transformation and book yours now!



Heather Gow is a mother of three and a step-mum of one. She’s on a break from her psychology career and is currently kid-wrangling full-time. She writes stories for children when hers are asleep. She blogs infrequently and tweets lefty political rants. She lives in the Eastern Suburbs and can generally be found somewhere on the endless loop between school, daycare, swimming lessons, gymnastics and Nippers.


